
Output Factory for InDesign User Guide

General Settings



Print Preset
Select InDesign's print preset to use for output.

Note: If you print booklet with this option, the current booklet options of each document will be used. To specify the desired booklet options before printing, use the 'Define in first document' option below,

Print booklet
Use InDesign's Print Booklet command for output.

Define in first document
When you initiate output, InDesign will show its print dialog before printing the first document in the queue. The print settings you specify in the dialog will apply to all documents in the queue.

Note: This is the preferred option to print booklets as you can set up both booklet and printing settings in the first document, which will be applied to all subsequent documents.

Note: Output Factory doesn't have any control over what printing settings InDesign actually saves and applies to subsequent documents after you dismiss the Print dialog. If you experience any inconsistency in output results when using the Define in first document option, please use the Print Preset option instead.

Current settings of each document
Each document will be printed using its current settings.

Rename in printer queue
You'll be able to change the output document name it in the printer queue using the File Naming settings.

Send to printer as single pages
Each document page will appear as a single file in printer's queue.



PDF Export Preset
Choose InDesign's PDF export preset to use for output.

Define in first document
When you initiate output, InDesign will show the Export Adobe PDF dialog before exporting the first document in the queue. The export settings you specify in the dialog will apply to all documents in the queue.

Note: Output Factory doesn't have any control over what settings InDesign actually saves and applies to subsequent documents after you dismiss the Export Adobe PDF dialog. If you experience any inconsistency in output results when using the Define in first document option, please use the PDF Export Preset option instead.

Current settings of each document
Each document will be exported using its current settings.



Print Preset
Select InDesign's print preset to use for output. Only print presets where printer is set to PostScript File will appear.

Current settings of each document
Each document will be saved to PostScript using its current settings.



Format Export Options
Specify the current output format options. For export options details, please refer to InDesign documentation.



Image output options
Output Factory can export InDesign documents as TIFF, JPEG, PNG, GIF and BMP files. You can specify the desired color model, scale, resolution and image format options. For specific image format options details, please refer to InDesign and Photoshop documentation.



Format Export Options
You have two options:
-Use current HTML export settings of each document, or
-Use current HTML export settings of the first document in the batch for all documents in the batch.
Note: The View HTML after Exporting option in InDesign will be disabled. Use the Open files after processing option in Output Factory, if needed.



All pages of each document will be exported.

Specify the desired page range. You can specify non-consecutive page ranges using the same rules as in InDesign dialogs.
Invalid page range: in Preferences, you can define what Output Factory should do if the specified page range is invalid for a document. Output Factory can skip the document or output all pages.

Export as single pages
Each document page (or spread, depending on the output settings) will be exported as a single document.

Export as n pages
Every n pages (as per the number entered) will be exported as a single file.

Note: Print, PDF or PostScript only: To output as single spreads, or every n pages as spreads, check the Spreads option in the selected InDesign's print or PDF export preset.

Export document reader spreads instead of single pages (applies to certain formats only).



Output invisibly
Documents windows will be hidden during output.

Update modified links
Modified links will be updated automatically before output.

Save documents after output
InDesign documents will be saved after output. It's useful if you want to save output settings with the documents.

Close documents after output
Documents will be closed after output. If Output invisibly is checked, documents will always be closed even if this option is unchecked.

Overwrite duplicates
Output files with identical names will be overwritten. If this option is unchecked, a number preceded by an underscore will be added to the end of duplicate file names.
Note: This option also applies to the Create subfolder for each InDesign file setting.

Open files after processing with...
Output files will be opened with the selected application after processing. The files will be opened after all processing of the current batch is done by Output Factory.
Note: This setting overrides any similar option in InDesign such as 'View PDF after exporting'.




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