
Deliver / Deliver Express User Guide

[Deliver Express only]

When code-based delivery is enabled, you can assign codes to destinations and send files to any destination using a single hot folder by including the destination code in file name.


How code-based delivery works

1. Enable code-based delivery in Preferences > Destinations Codes.

2. Specify location for the hot folder for code-based delivery in Preferences.
The folder named <Code-Based Delivery> will be created automatically.

3. Once you enable code-based delivery, the Code field and table column will become available in the Destinations window.
Assign codes to your destinations using either the field or table column.
Note: Destination codes can only contain letters and numbers.

4. Add destination code at the end of file/folder names in the following way:



5. Drop files or folders into the <Code-Based Delivery> hot folder and they will be sent automatically according to assigned destination code.

Code-based delivery does not prevent you from using hot folders for individual destinations as well.

What's the purpose and advantages of code-based delivery?

Code-based delivery is mostly designed for users who:

-Transfer their workflow from an existing code-based delivery system to Deliver Express and want to keep using their existing codes, and/or

-Have a large number of destinations and prefer to use a single hot folder rather than dealing with myriad of individual hot folders.

Destination codes can also be helpful for tracking and archiving purposes because the file's delivery destination is included in its name.

Changing the name of Code-Based Delivery hot folder (expert preference)

Deliver Express provides a hiden preference that allows to use an alternative name for the code-based delivery hot folder: _Code-Based Delivery_ instead of <Code-Based Delivery>.
In some rare situations, angle quotes <> in the folder name can make it invisible on certain Windows network volumes. In this case, changing angle brackets to underscores will solve the issue.
To enable the preference, send this command in Terminal, then re-create the hot folder from the Preferences window:
defaults write com.zevrix.DeliverExpress useUnderscoresInCodeBasedDeliveryFolderName -boolean yes
(send no and re-create the folder to restore the default angle brackets).
With any questions regarding this expert preference, please contact us.

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