Finder Windows User Guide

Finder Windows Preferences

You can open Preferences from the “cogwheel” menu in the top-right corner of the Finder Windows panel as well as the menu bar panel.

You can also click the Finder Windows title bar to make Finder Windows the current active app, then press the , shortcut. 

Finder Windows Preferences screenshot
Finder Windows Preferences window


Show in Finder only: Finder Windows floating panel will only be shown when Finder is the active app.
Show in all apps: Finder Windows floating panel will be shown in all apps, floating above all other windows.

Don’t show floating panel

This option is useful for those users who wish to access the list of Finder windows from the menu bar only.

Windows List options

The options to show/hide the Close button, Minimize button, and folder icon, as well as display large text/icons apply to the floating panel only. They won’t affect the appearance of the menu bar panel.

Finder Tabs Info

Finder Windows is designed to work with Finder windows only. The app will not list Finder tabs. We recommend to disable Finder tabs in either Finder preferences or Finder Windows preferences.

Expert Preferences

Adapt to the Automatically hide and show the menu bar option in System Settings

If you have this option checked in System Settings, please do the following:
-Open Terminal from Applications/Utilities folder
-Copy-paste the following command, then press enter:
defaults write ~/Library/Preferences/com.zevrix.FinderWindows adaptForMenuBarAutoHide -bool true