Solutions for Adobe InDesign & the Graphics Industry
Adobe InDesign
and shorten your production time from hours down to minutes

Adobe InDesign Solutions
Output Factory
Automate printing and exporting from InDesign
Batch processing • Layer versioning • Variable names • Preflighting • FTP delivery and much more…
Automate InDesign link preparation
Reduce link size • Optimize resolution • Convert colors • Convert formats and much more…
InDesign hot folder automation
Output Factory Server
Automate InDesign output with hot folders
Output InDesign files automatically from hot folders • Serve unlimited users from single station
Package Central
Package InDesign files from hot folders
Automate InDesign file collection • Serve unlimited users from single station
Output Factory

Quisque nec ipsum aliquet, venenatis elit non, posuere massa. Vestibulum nec erat posuere, pretium est vel, mollis leo. Nunc tincidunt tincidunt felis eget sagittis. Ut euismod aliquam urna, in ultricies est posuere eu. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus.

Quisque nec ipsum aliquet, venenatis elit non, posuere massa. Vestibulum nec erat posuere, pretium est vel, mollis leo. Nunc tincidunt tincidunt felis eget sagittis. Ut euismod aliquam urna, in ultricies est posuere eu. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus.