Output Factory Server 3 Version Control

# we set col widths in css this way so they work on all devices [hence space on the left]. ideally need shift to the left and set col widths for each device


Jul 18, 2024

Fixed an issue where script labels weren’t recognized when exporting as single document under certain conditions.

Fixed an issue where file name tokens could disappear when mousing over them.

Restored the Preferences menu title to avoid confusion with Settings, a separate set of options that already existed in Output Factory before Apple renamed Preferences into Settings.

Previous Updates


Apr 15, 2024

Restored a non-warning behavior for missing version layers.


Apr 14, 2024

Added safeguards against a rare UI-related error.


Apr 5, 2024

Fixed an error that could happen when exporting to EPUB and HTML.


Mar 27, 2024

The ‘Add action step’ button now works as expected.


Mar 18, 2024

Fixed an issue where the active document could be closed before being processed.


Mar 17, 2024

Added safeguards against a rare crash.

Fixed an error that could occur when checking for missing fonts.

Extra logging of certain internal events for easier troubleshooting.


Mar 12, 2024

More informative error message when update check is thwarted.

Fixed an error that could occur on attempt to report a layer-related error.


Mar 1, 2024

Improved error reporting of a rare layer-related error.

Additional logging for troubleshooting of a rare layer-related error.


Feb 10, 2024

Fixed a rare error that could happen when printing using layer versioning.

Fixed an issue where the new version availability window was displayed even if no new version was available.

Fixed a rare memory management error.


Jan 30, 2024

Fixed a rare error that could happen when exporting using layer versioning.


Jan 9, 2024

The ‘Output each layer in combination with base layers’ option now works as expected.

Addressed appearance issues that could occur on forthcoming macOS 14.3.


Jan 3, 2024

Fixed an error that could happen when exporting only one page of a document under some rare conditions.

Fixed an error that prevented from using PDF security.

Fixed a crash that could happen under some rare conditions.


Dec 28, 2023

Fixed several errors that happened when running LinkOptimizer workflows.

Fixed an error that happened when PDF security was enabled.

Improved progress indicator.

Improved handling of an error that could happen on attempt to close an invisible file.

More informative progress status for layer versioning (output file names are now reported).

Added note that an email address is required in the Form field of the email settings.

Added expert preferences to use background tasks for certain operations.


Dec 7, 2023

Fixed an error that could occur when exporting to JPEG.


Dec 6, 2023

Fixed an error that could occur when printing IDML source file with the option to change file name in print queue.

Fixed an error that could occur when overset text was detected by preflight.

Fixed an error that could occur when exporting to some image formats under certain conditions.

Fixed an error that could occur when parsing page ranges under some rare conditions.


Dec 4, 2023

Source IDML files are now exported with their correct file names instead of Untitled.

Minor UI improvements.

Fixed a UI glitch in the LinkOptimizer tab appearance.


Oct 21, 2023

Minor internal fixes.


Oct 21, 2023

Fixed an issue in where Output Factory Server could ignore certain output settings before output under some rare conditions.


Oct 19, 2023

Fixed an issue in which an error could occur when clicking certain items in the Settings list.


Oct 19, 2023

Fixed an error in which Output Factory Server could skip files with the “Invalid page range” error for no apparent reason.


Oct 19, 2023

Fixed an error in which Output Factory Server could skip files with the “Invalid page range” error for no reason.


Oct 16, 2023

Support for InDesign 2024.


Sep 18, 2023

When using Basic preflight, the list of missing and modified link paths is now included in all reports (history, email, error logs). Previously, only link count was included.

Support for macOS 14 Sonoma.

The app’s codebase is restructured and optimized to facilitate easier and faster implementation of new features and bug fixes.

If the index of an already defined Script Label token in the variable name field was higher than 9, using the Define Script Label token menu resulted in opening an unpopulated Script Label dialog.

Fixed an issue in which some alternate layout names weren’t recognized in page range field.

UI fixes.

Fixed an issue in which final output files didn’t appear in History and email notifications when exporting to single pages/spreads.

Fixed a memory issue for multi-threaded operations.

Fixed an issue in which, when using InDesign’s preflight, files with preflight errors were always skipped even if the option to skip files was unchecked.

Fixed an issue in which error logs weren’t created for the Print output.

Fixed an issue in which an error could happen when using page dimensions file name tokens when exporting as single spreads.

Fixed an issue in which, when double-clicking a newly processed file in the Recent Jobs list to reveal it in History, only this file was shown in History if the History window has never been opened prior to this action.

If Output Factory cannot close InDesign documents before processing due to an open modal window in InDesign, an error message is now presented to the user.

Longer part of ‘other event’ title is now included in the email subject.

Improved error messages for certain rare output errors.

History is now sorted by the sent date by default.

Script errors now include the path of the script that returned the error.

Improved info text in the Basic preflight tab.

Improved progress status reporting for the script running stages.


Mar 7, 2023

Includes LinkOptimizer 6.1.18 update.


Feb 16, 2023

Computer name is now automatically assigned to new activations, which makes it easier to identify installations in the License Portal.


Jan 2, 2023

PDF security and SMTP passwords are now correctly decoded on macOS Ventura.


Oct 28, 2022

InDesign 2023 support.

macOS Ventura support.

Added info regarding some limitations of the Missing fonts option in Basic preflight.

Fixed an error that could occur when checking for open documents.


Sep 26, 2022

Native support for Apple Silicon (ARM64) processor.

Support for TLS 1.2 security protocol for email delivery.

More informative and specific info on export errors .


Sep 9, 2022

Improvements in process logging.

Fixed an issue in which files with selected preflight errors weren’t skipped when using InDesign’s Built-in Preflight option.


Aug 30, 2022

Added expanded info regarding a rare database error in InDesign that can prevent InDesign from opening certain files.


Aug 1, 2022

Fixed a crash that could occur when running an action.


Jul 27, 2022

LinkOptimizer Server: Fixed incorrect info on file deletion in an error dialog.


Jul 24, 2022

When exporting Interactive PDF, only Output Factory’s own “Open files after processing” option is now honored. The option “View after exporting” in InDesign settings will be always disabled.

Improved appearance of the alert dialogs presented by AppleScript (instead of Apple’s badly redesigned dialogs introduced on Big Sur).


Jun 22, 2022

Fixed an issue in which changes to actions weren’t saved.


May 13, 2022

The time tokens in file name now work as expected (hr, min, sec, AM/PM).


May 11, 2022

Removed last occurrences of System Events, which eliminates the need to authorize the access to the app.

Actions list is now sorted alphabetically.

Fixed an issue in which multiple workflows of the same name but different formats could not be added to action steps.

New expert preference to troubleshoot some rare processing issues: defaults write com.zevrix.OutputFactoryServer fileCntLimit -int <number>


Jan 29, 2022

System Events app isn’t utilized anymore.

Improved handling of printing with renaming files in print queue.


Dec 31, 2021

Fixed an issue in which the order of workflows in actions wasn’t saved after reordering.

Improved process of deleting temporary PostScript files.


Dec 22, 2021

Improved conditions for triggering manual activation.

Fixed an issue in which an error could occur when using layer versioning.


Oct 29, 2021

Support for InDesign 2022.

Support for macOS Monterey.


Aug 28, 2021

Fixed appearance glitches in some buttons and text fields on macOS Mojave and earlier introduced in the version 3.0.25.


Aug 20, 2021

Fixed several issues that could cause errors when exporting InDesign books (.indb) under certain conditions.

Fixed potential memory leak.

Minor UI fixes.


Aug 18, 2021

Improved appearance of some buttons and text fields.

When using the option to perform InDesign’s built-in preflight, preflight results are now correctly identified for non-English versions of InDesign.

Fixed an issue in which the AM/PM token was converted to a string in the variable name text field.


Jul 27, 2021

Improved appearance of table headers on Big Sur.

MInor UI fixes.

Fixed an issue in which Output Factory Server couldn’t find the selected LinkOptimizer preset during processing under certain conditions.

Output Factory Server now warns about any open files in InDesign before processing instead of just closing them without saving. 


Jul 20, 2021

Fixed a threaded processing issue.

Fixed an issue in which some files with processing errors weren’t added to the recent jobs list under some rare conditions.

Native support for M1 processor.


Jul 18, 2021

Fixed an issue in which Output Factory Server could stall on attempt to display an error alert regarding an email delivery issue.

Fixed an issue in which email errors could occur during post-processing stages when running an action.

Fixed an issue in which the Script Label user guide web page could not be open.

More detailed event description in email subject for generic events.


Jul 15, 2021

Apple’s disgraceful alert dialogs introduced on Big Sur are now replaced with custom dialogs that restore the human-oriented design and layout from pre-Big Sur systems.

Fixed an issue in which the History table wasn’t updated under some rare conditions.


Jul 12, 2021

Fixed an issue in which the list of recent jobs wasn’t loaded under certain conditions.

LinkOptimizer Server: Apple’s disgraceful alert dialogs introduced on Big Sur are replaced with custom dialogs that restore the human-oriented design and layout from pre-Big Sur systems.

LinkOptimizer Server: Fixed an issue in which a timeout error could happen when duplicating particularly large InDesign documents (hundreds of megabytes).

LinkOptimizer Server: Fixed an issue in which the Process button could be disabled after analyzing a document with thousands of links.


Mar 18, 2021

Fixed an issue in which some LinkOptimizer presets didn’t appear in Output Factory Server.


Mar 11, 2021

LinkOptimizer Server: Fixed an issue in which an error occurred when relinking images with quotes and backward slashes (“, \) in their path. 

LinkOptimizer Server: Support for dark mode.

Fixed an error that could occur if a missing hot folder was detected under certain conditions.

Fixed a crash that could occur on attempt to send a notification email about a missing hot folder if an email address contained a missing XMP variable.

The original PDF icon is now always used in the UI.

Improved memory management.

Improved reporting of certain errors.

The history list now scrolls to the selected item if needed when double-clicking an item in Recent Jobs.

More informative error message on certain email errors.

New version control web page.