Output Factory 3 Version Control

# we set col widths in css this way so they work on all devices [hence space on the left]. ideally need shift to the left and set col widths for each device


Jul 23, 2024

Fixed a file naming error.

Previous Updates


Jul 23, 2024

Fixed an error that occurred when specifying output subfolders.

Fixed an issue the text in subfolder name fields could look disabled under some conditions..


Jul 22, 2024

Fixed known errors introduced in b26.


Jul 22, 2024

Fixed a pre-processing error.


Jul 22, 2024

Fixed a crash that could occur on attempt to add open InDesign docs to the queue when no docs are open in InDesign.

Fixed a crash that could occur when clicking Export… when the queue is empty.


Jul 22, 2024

Scripts are now running as expected.

Additional code changes in attempt to fix a rare crash.


Jul 15, 2024

An error is now displayed if a modal dialog is open in InDesign.

Additional code changes in attempt to fix a rare crash.


Jul 9, 2024

The ‘Random Number’ token for the variable output file name.

Code changes in attempt to fix a rare crash; an alert should be displayed instead of a crash during certain operations.


Jul 5, 2024

Code changes to fix a rare crash; an alert should be displayed instead of a crash.

The info circle button for the Script Label token now functions as expected.


Jul 1, 2024

Code changes to fix a rare crash.


Jun 30, 2024

New file name tokens: Paragraph Style, Character Style.


Jun 16, 2024

More safeguards to avert a rare crash during action processing.


Jun 16, 2024

The ‘Output File #’ file name token.

Fixed an issue where some file/folder name tokens disappeared when hovering the mouse over them.

The File # format in the output file name now has the correct number of digits.

Fixed the output folder path control appearance.

The ‘1 (01)’ number format menu replaced with the more accurate ‘As is’.

Improved File Naming UI.

Safeguards to avert a rare crash during action processing.


Jun 10, 2024

INDD output files are now correctly named when splitting to spreads and n pages.


Jun 3, 2024

Fixed an issue where changes to the variable file name weren’t saved before output under certain conditions.


May 29, 2024

File and folder name tokens should now work as expected.


May 26, 2024

Fixed a crash that could occur when a file is skipped during pre-processing stages.

Various UI fixes.


May 20, 2024

Support for cloud docs. Note: Only cloud docs open in InDesign can be supported. Various glitches are still expected.


May 18, 2024

JPEG export as RGB and Grayscale now works as expected.


May 18, 2024

TIFF export as spreads now works as expected.

The ‘Delete source PDF files’ option is now saved as expected.

The position of PDF Security and EPS Options windows is now remembered.


May 14, 2024

Fixed an issue where the Script Label token didn’t work as expected with text variables under some conditions.


May 9, 2024

Improved error alerts for errors when adding open documents to the queue.

Safeguards against a rare crash.


May 9, 2024

Exporting spreads to JPEG, GIF, and BMP should now work as expected.


May 8, 2024

Export to JPEG, GIF, and BMP should now work as expected (except when exporting spreads, will be fixed soon).


May 5, 2024

Eliminated the situation where final combined PDF could be deleted if its name is identical to a source PDF name.

Improved handling of the default suffix in combined PDF name.

Warning if combined PDF name is empty.

UI fixes in Layers section.

Current version layer name is now listed in progress status during file export.

The Combine PDF option is now ignored if only one InDesign file is in the queue.

Fixed multiple errors that disrupted layer versioning processing.


May 1, 2024

Combine PDFs: The None option in the combined PDF name (for cases where a source PDF name isn’t required). 

PDF and print presets are now sorted by name.

Check for Updates now works as expected.


Apr 30, 2024

The Save, Close, and Process Invisibly options are now honored.