Output Factory 2 Version Control

# we set col widths in css this way so they work on all devices [hence space on the left]. ideally need shift to the left and set col widths for each device


May 6, 2024

Updated error messages related to cloud document support.

Previous Updates


May 6, 2024

Name output files after placed images (see the new Image Name token).


Feb 16, 2024

Fixed a column width issue in the layer tables in v2.5.6.


Feb 16, 2024

Expanded Base/Version Layers tables to avoid truncating longer layer names.


Jan 10, 2024

Addressed appearance issues that could occur on forthcoming macOS 14.3.


Nov 26, 2023

Fixed an issue where the text in labeled text frames with text variables wasn’t parsed correctly under some conditions.

Improved report of a rare page range error (when ‘every n pages’ value is lower than the number of pages to output).

Disabled expand/collapse animation in History window (a distracting effect introduced by Apple on macOS Lion).


Sep 26, 2023

Support for InDesign 2024.


Aug 29, 2023

Fixed an issue where PDF created from books (.indb) contained lo-res images if the Check Links Before Opening Document option was unchecked in InDesign Preferences.

Improved info text in the Basic preflight tab.

Improved text in some tool tips.


Aug 17, 2023

Support for forthcoming macOS 14 Sonoma.


May 20, 2023

Menus for Add to Queue and Remove from Queue groups of commands.

Keyboard shortcuts for the Add/Remove files groups of commands (see respective menus/tooltips for shortcuts).

Use the Delete key to remove selected files from the queue.

Fixed an issue in which a crash could occur on attempt to assign custom text to the output file name of an InDesign file that was saved in the queue after a relaunch.


Mar 24, 2023

Added progress status for certain preflight stages.

Eliminated some unnecessary link checks when all preflight options are disabled (which can improve processing speed on AEM and slow networks).


Feb 21, 2023

Addressed an InDesign issue in which Zevrix menu wasn’t always removed after deleting the plug-in.


Feb 12, 2023

Computer name is now automatically assigned to new activations, which makes it easier to identify installations in the License Portal.


Jan 1, 2023

PDF security passwords are now correctly decoded on macOS Ventura.


Dec 16, 2022

Fixed a crash that could happen on attempt to open the output files after processing if the app to open the files wasn’t explicitly selected (for example, a default app or an app specified in an imported preset).


Dec 14, 2022

Addressed an InDesign bug in which exporting a book (.indb file) with images linked to Dropbox could result in PDF with pixelated images.

Fixed an error during book exporting to PDF in v2.4.87.


Dec 14, 2022

Addressed an InDesign bug in which exporting a book (.indb file) with images linked to Dropbox could result in PDF with pixelated images.

Fixed an error during book exporting to PDF in v2.4.86.


Dec 14, 2022

Addressed an InDesign bug in which exporting a book (.indb file) with images linked to Dropbox could result in PDF with pixelated images.


Nov 23, 2022

Addressed an InDesign bug in which InDesign didn’t close invisible windows after processing, which could cause various issues when processing multiple files.

Fixed an error that could occur when exporting to PostScript under certain conditions.

Added note about the limitations of the ‘Overset text’ option in Basic preflight.


Oct 10, 2022

Fixed an issue in v2.4.82 where an error could occur when exporting as single file.

If the index of an already defined Script Label token in the variable name field was higher than 9, using the Define Script Label token menu resulted in opening an unpopulated Script Label dialog.

Fixed an issue in which temporary file/folder names where used in HTML code of exported files. Final names are now used, as expected.

When exporting to HTML, the View HTML after Exporting option in InDesign will now always be disabled. Only the Open files after processing option in Output Factory will be honored.


Oct 8, 2022

Fixed an issue in which temporary file/folder names where used in HTML code of exported files. Final names are now used, as expected.

When exporting to HTML, the View HTML after Exporting option in InDesign will now always be disabled. Only the Open files after processing option in Output Factory will be honored.


Oct 7, 2022

When exporting to HTML, the View HTML after Exporting option in InDesign will now always be disabled. Only the Open files after processing option in Output Factory will be honored.


Sep 9, 2022

Fixed an issue in which files with selected preflight errors weren’t skipped when using InDesign’s Built-in Preflight option.


Sep 4, 2022

Added expanded info regarding a rare database error in InDesign that can prevent InDesign from opening certain files.


Jul 24, 2022

When exporting Interactive PDF, only Output Factory’s own “Open files after processing” option is now honored. The option “View after exporting” in InDesign settings will be always disabled.


Jul 9, 2022

Improved appearance of the alert dialogs presented by AppleScript (instead of Apple’s badly redesigned dialogs introduced on Big Sur).

More informative error message regarding a rare system error that prevents Acrobat preflight droplet from launching.


Feb 16, 2022

The option to create subfolder for each InDesign file now works as expected (instead of creating a nested subfolder chain for the entire batch in previous versions).


Jan 24, 2022

Better handling of a rare error when printing with renaming files in print queue.

Improved handling of printing with renaming files in print queue.

System Events app isn’t utilized anymore.


Jan 13, 2022

Fixed an issue in which text in some fields appeared flipped when selected under some rare conditions.

Improved invalid serial number dialog.


Dec 15, 2021

Fixed an issue in which the OK button in the Script Label Info window didn’t function.


Dec 15, 2021

Improved conditions for triggering manual activation.


Dec 14, 2021

Updated serial number prefix in a licensing error dialog.


Dec 6, 2021

Fixed the appearance of text fields in dark mode on Monterey.


Oct 27, 2021

Support for InDesign 2022.

Support for macOS Monterey.


Oct 22, 2021

Fixed an issue in which workflows and actions weren’t deleting after clicking Delete.

Improved appearance of certain alerts on Big Sur.


Sep 13, 2021

Fixed an issue in which an error could occur if variable file name could not be composed.

Output Factory now correctly exits all situations where processing is interrupted by an alert dialog.


Sep 13, 2021

Fixed an issue in which certain operations could fail if InDesign file path contained double quotation marks.


Aug 28, 2021

Interactive path of the output folder doesn’t appear disabled anymore under the light mode.

Fixed appearance glitches in some buttons and text fields on macOS Mojave and earlier introduced in the version 2.4.64.


Aug 21, 2021

When using the option to perform InDesign’s built-in preflight with non-English versions of InDesign, preflight settings are now applied correctly in all languages.

Improved appearance of tables and text fields on Big Sur and later.

Improved appearance of certain buttons.

Minor UI fixes.

Fixed a rare processing error.


Jul 19, 2021

Native M1 support.


Jun 18, 2021

Fixed an issue in which the Manage Activations window couldn’t be used under dark mode.


Jun 16, 2021

Workflows list in the Action Setup window is now sorted alphabetically.

The actions list is now sorted alphabetically.

“Edit Action” menu is added to the “gear” menu of the Actions list.

Fixed an issue in which workflows with identical names from different output formats weren’t added as expected to the action steps.

Updated startup script for more efficient and accurate identification of the host InDesign version.


Apr 16, 2021

Fixed appearance of the output folder path control field under dark mode.


Apr 15, 2021

Fixed an issue in which an error could occur when processing InDesign books with Layer Versioning enabled.


Apr 13, 2021

Fixed an issue in which the “new version available” window was shown on launch even when the running version was up to date.


Mar 30, 2021

Fixed an issue in which the AM/PM name token turned into a text string if any text was entered after inserting the token.


Mar 17, 2021

UI text fixes for dark mode.

New window for the Script Label token informational text to avoid Apple’s atrocious design of alert dialogs on Big Sur.


Mar 12, 2021

Various UI fixes for dark mode.


Mar 12, 2021

Support for dark mode on macOS Mojave and later.

Choose appearance mode independently from the one selected in the system.

Additional info added to the “Missing fonts” option in Basic preflight.

New version control web page.