PDF Checkpoint Version Control


PDF Checkpoint 1.9.12 (Jan 15, 2021)
• Fixed a toolbar appearance issue on Big Sur.
• The app now checks for a rare issue where the serial number appears to be multiplied into several paragraphs during activation.



PDF Checkpoint 1.9.11 (Dec 2, 2020)
• Unified title bar on Big Sur.
• Eliminated a legacy licensing platform error.
• Duplicate ICC profiles are now removed from the profiles list.
• Fixed an issue in which toolbar controls appeared disabled on macOS 10.14 and earlier due to a bug in developer tools on macOS 11.
• Fixed an issue in which the serial number could not be pasted using the Cmd-V shortcut on launch.
• UI improvements.

PDF Checkpoint 1.9.10 (Nov 11, 2020)
• Support for macOS 11 Big Sur
• UI adjustments for Big Sur
• Minor UI improvements.
• The app now automatically fixes file permissions in a rare situation where the serial number couldn't be written to disk.

PDF Checkpoint 1.9.9 (Oct 5, 2020)
• Fixed an issue in which PDF Checkpoint could crash when sorting columns of the Fonts and Colors tables if nothing is selected in the table.

PDF Checkpoint 1.9.8 (May 29, 2020)
• Fixed an issue in which line weight wasn't detected correctly during preflighting on systems where comma is used as decimal separator.
• Line weight in the Summary table now uses comma as decimal separator if selected in the System Preferences.
• Improved UI behavior when reordering preflight profiles.
• Selected profile in the Profiles window is now remembered when app quits.
• The full screen functionality is removed from the main and Profiles windows.

PDF Checkpoint 1.9.7 (Dec 11, 2019)
• Support for macOS 10.15 Catalina.

PDF Checkpoint 1.9.6 (Oct 18, 2019)
• Fixed an issue in which previews of CMYK images in PDF created by Affinity products appeared inverted when selecting image for the second time and further on.
• Document window size is now preserved after closing.
• Fixed minor issues that could occur when launching the app by dropping files on its icon.
• The "Doc Info" button now displays the correct image that correlates to the drawer state on launch.

PDF Checkpoint 1.9.5 (Oct 16, 2019)
• Fixed an issue in which certain PDF files produced by Affinity apps could not be processed.
• Fixed an issue in which certain fonts weren't reported in some PDF files.
• This version also fixes notarization related crashes in versions 1.9-1.9.4 that could happen on launch on some machines.

PDF Checkpoint 1.8.10 (Aug 22, 2019)
• Fixed an issue in which an internal error aborted processing for some files.

PDF Checkpoint 1.8.9 (Aug 2, 2019)
• PDF Checkpoint is now notarized by Apple.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Some users whose copy of the app was originally licensed using legacy eSellerate licensing platform may experience an activation error on launch, which will prevent them from using the app. There will be detailed instructions in the error message on how to re-activate the software by sending us a request for updated licensing info.

PDF Checkpoint 1.8.8 (Nov 30, 2018)
• Fixed an issue in which the "Default PDF application" menu in the Preferences didn't act as expected.

PDF Checkpoint 1.8.7 (Nov 12, 2018)
• Integration of the SoftwareKey licensing system.

PDF Checkpoint 1.8.6 (Oct 20, 2018)
• Support for macOS 10.14 Mojave.

PDF Checkpoint 1.8.5 (Apr 23, 2018)
• Fixed an issue in which PDF Checkpoint didn't list some color profiles of certain configurations.
• PDF Checkpoint now recognizes color profiles in the ~/Library/ColorSync/Profiles/Recommended folder.
• Reduced launch time.

PDF Checkpoint 1.8.3 (Oct 31, 2017)
• Fixed an issue in which some files weren't flagged with an alert icon even if some of the file's elements were flagged.

PDF Checkpoint 1.8.2 (Oct 9, 2017)
• Support for macOS 10.13 High Sierra.
• Upgrade to 64-bit architecture.

PDF Checkpoint 1.8.1 (Aug 26, 2017)
• Improved warning icon for preflight errors.
• UI fixes.

PDF Checkpoint 1.8 (Jul 30, 2017)
• NEW: Open PDF files using an app of your choice directly from PDF Checkpoint with the new Open With contextual menu.
• NEW: Preferences to define the default app to open PDF files from PDF Checkpoint.
• NEW: Contextual menus to open selected files with the default app and reveal them in Finder.
• Addressed a system bug which could prevent PDF Checkpoint from retrieving the complete list of files dropped on its icon.

PDF Checkpoint 1.7.22 (Apr 29, 2017)
• All processed files are now added to the Open Recent menu.
• Fixed an issue in which the resolution of some images wasn't reported in some PDFs created with InDesign.
• If PDF file cannot be parsed an error alert will now be displayed.

PDF Checkpoint 1.7.21 (Apr 23, 2017)
• NEW: When splitting PDF files into pages, a number now will be appended to the names of duplicate files when the "Overwrite duplicates" option is unchecked. In previous versions new files weren't created in this case.
• Fixed an issue in which an error occurred on attempt to overwrite duplicate output files on Sierra.
• Folder icon attached to the path of the selected output folder now opens the target folder in the Finder rather than selecting it.
• Fixed an issue in which the progress bar didn't show up on Sierra.
• Fixed an issue in which the thumbnail sidebar occupied most of the PDF viewer window and could not be resized.

PDF Checkpoint 1.7.20 (Apr 16, 2017)
• The app now displays help text on launch that instructs users how to initiate processing.

PDF Checkpoint 1.7.19 (Feb 25, 2017)
• NEW: New preflight check, Font Names, lets users flag fonts with specific names.
• Fixed an issue in which some changes in preflight profile settings weren't saved when leaving the Profiles window without closing it.
• Keyword search is now case insensitive.
• Minor UI fixes.

PDF Checkpoint 1.7.18 (Dec 8, 2016)
• Fixed an issue in which the system's Open dialog didn't show up on macOS Sierra.

PDF Checkpoint 1.7.17 (Nov 30, 2016)
• Fixed an issue in which serial number could not be entered on macOS Sierra in the Registration window on launch.

PDF Checkpoint 1.7.16 (Mar 18, 2016)
• Fixed a registration issue on El Capitan.

PDF Checkpoint 1.7.15 (Dec 4, 2015)
• Fixed an issue in which an error could occur when using certain ICC profiles.
• Improved memory management.

PDF Checkpoint 1.7.14 (Nov 26, 2015)
• Fixed a crash that could occur under some rare conditions on El Capitan.
• Fixed an issue in which some images weren't shown in preflight results in some PDF files.

PDF Checkpoint 1.7.13 (Oct 15, 2015)
• El Capitan support.

PDF Checkpoint 1.7.12 (Sep 23, 2015)
• Fixed an issue in which a crash could occur on launch under some rare conditions.
• Fixed an error that could occur when generating image cache.

PDF Checkpoint 1.7.11 (Jun 25, 2015)
• Fixed an issue in which a crash could occur when tabbing between preflight profile text fields.

PDF Checkpoint 1.7.10 (Jun 25, 2015)
• Fixed an issue in which certain fonts weren't reported in PDF files resaved from Preview.
• Improved memory management.

PDF Checkpoint 1.7.9 (Jun 5, 2015)
• Fixed an issue in which color profiles nested in subfolders weren't displayed in the list of available profiles.

PDF Checkpoint 1.7.8 (May 15, 2015)
• PDF Checkpoint now recognizes color profiles located in user's ColorSync folders.

PDF Checkpoint 1.7.7 (Mar 16, 2015)
• Fixed an issue in which PDF Checkpoint could crash when preflighting PDFs produced with GhostScript or LibreOffice.

PDF Checkpoint 1.7.6 (Dec 8, 2014)
• Fixed some issues with folder selection on Mac OS X 10.7.4.
• Fixed an error which could occur when attempting to run an action on Mac OS X 10.7.4.

PDF Checkpoint 1.7.4 (Sep 29, 2014)
• Fixed an issue in which some ICC color profiles didn't appear in the list.
• Improved detection of lo-res images in certain type of PDF files.

PDF Checkpoint 1.7.3 (Sep 11, 2014)
• Fixed an issue in which the Optimize command didn't produce any results if the option to convert colors to an ICC profile was unchecked.

PDF Checkpoint 1.7.2 (Sep 3, 2014)
• Fixed an issue in which images were downsampled to 72 dpi when the Downsample option was unchecked.
• Fixed the Optimize tab window size.
• Updated tool tips for Overwrite buttons.
• Improved naming of temporary items for non-MAS version.

PDF Checkpoint 1.7.1 (Jun 25, 2014)
• Improved UI for the "Convert colors" feature.
• Improved memory management.

PDF Checkpoint 1.6.5 (Apr 2, 2014)
• Fixed an issue in which PDF Checkpoint behaved like a sandboxed app, which prevented it from being properly activated.

PDF Checkpoint 1.6.4 (Feb 21, 2014)
• Fixed an issue in which the serial number could not be activated on some systems.

PDF Checkpoint 1.6.3 (Jan 15, 2014)
• Fixed an issue in an error related to checking for updates could occur on launch.
• Fixed several issues related to the new version of registration engine.

PDF Checkpoint 1.6.1 (Jan 8, 2014)
• Fixed an issue in which PDF Checkpoint exported images of incorrect resolution and size.
• Fixed an issue in which transparent PDF areas in non-transparent exported images were rendered in black instead of white.
• Improved Actions button.
• Fixed issue when changing color profile or source color in the Optimize action pane changed the title of Run button to Choose Files.
• Improved memory management.
• Addressed a bug in DefaultFolder software that could result in selecting incorrect output folder in action setup.
• Fixed JPEG compression popup behavior.
• A number is now added to exported image name if the Overwrite option is unchecked and the file with the same name already exists in the destination. Previous versions didn't create any image in this situation.
• Page number isn't added to the names of exported images created from single page PDF files anymore.
• Improved behavior of split views in document info drawer.
• Updated registration engine.

PDF Checkpoint 1.6 (Dec 9, 2013)
• NEW: Convert the color of PDF documents to selected ICC profile. Users can convert all objects or only images, graphics or text.
• NEW: Actions are now grouped in tabs in a single window.
• NEW: PDF Checkpoint now adds a number to optimized PDF's name if the Overwrite option is unchecked and the file with the same name already exists in the destination.
• NEW: Context menu in images table.
• Fixed an issue which could cause an error after running an action.
• Better identification of the color mode of indexed images.
• Fixed an issue in which double-clicking an empty row in image table could result in error.
• Added constraints to split view resize limits.
• Interface improvements.

PDF Checkpoint 1.5.3 (Nov 20, 2013)
• Support for Mac OS X 10.9 Mavericks.

PDF Checkpoint 1.5.2 (Jul 8, 2013)
• NEW: Double-click images in the list to select them in the actual PDF document.
• Some interface improvements.

PDF Checkpoint 1.5.1 (June 3, 2013)
(also see what's new in v1.5 below)
• The Lab color mode of images is now reported.
• NEW: Preflight check for Lab images.
• Image names in text reports now match their internal PDF names.
• NEW: Image size units in text reports.
• NEW: Image ICC profiles in text reports.
• Fixed an issue in which some changes in a preflight profile were applied to all presets.
• Fixed an issue which could lead to an error when switching preflight profiles.
• Fixed an issue in which PDF Checkpoint couldn't display the image in some PDFs with a single image.
• Correct image info is now reported in Photoshop PDF files.
• Fixed an issue in which images weren't listed in some PDFPenPro files.
• Proper identification of the color model of DeviceN images.

PDF Checkpoint 1.5 (Mac OS X 10.7 and later) (May 30, 2013)
• The image parsing engine has been rewritten from the ground up, improving greatly the reliability of image info as well as performance and stability.
• Fixed an issue in which some images in PDF files of a certain structure were not reported (affects, in particular, PDF files created from QuarkXPress).
• NEW: Spot colors in images are now reported.
• NEW: Preflight check for spot colors in images.
• NEW: Numerous improvements in built-in PDF viewer (thumbnails, zooming, view modes and other).
• NEW: Page and trim box dimensions are now reported.
• Sort order in tables is now preserved between launches.
• Numerous interface improvements.

PDF Checkpoint 1.3.5 (Mac OS X 10.5-10.6) (May 30, 2013)
• NEW: Page and trim box dimensions are now reported.

PDF Checkpoint 1.4.2 (Mar 30, 2013)
• NEW: PDF Checkpoint now reports ICC profiles used in PDF images.
• Fixed an issue in which PDF/X tags weren't recognized in some PDF files.
• Some interface improvements.

PDF Checkpoint 1.4.1 (Aug 22, 2012)
• Compatibility with Mac OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion.

PDF Checkpoint 1.4 (Aug 2, 2011)
• Compatibility with Mac OS X 10.7 Lion.
Note: PDF Checkpoint 1.4 runs on Mac OS X Lion only. The previous version, PDF Checkpoint 1.3.4, keeps being supported on Mac OS X 10.4.2-10.6.

PDF Checkpoint 1.3.4 (Jun 19, 2011)
• Some interface fixes and improvements.

PDF Checkpoint 1.3.3 (Feb 21, 2011)
• Arrow keys can now be used to change selection in the file list.
• Fixed several issues related to checking for updates.
• Improved hyperlinks behavior.

PDF Checkpoint 1.3.2 (Feb 14, 2011)
• Fixed an issue in which PDF Checkpoint could display wrong image previews under some rare conditions.
• Fixed an issue in which PDF Checkpoint could incorrectly interpret PDF version number entered in preflight presets on international systems with comma as decimal point.

PDF Checkpoint 1.3.1 (Dec 7, 2010)
• Fixed an issue in which PDF Checkpoint could crash on attempt to activate a serial number. This error could only happen if no activations were available.

PDF Checkpoint 1.3 (Nov 15, 2010)
• NEW: The option to route files according to preflight results automatically after preflight.

PDF Checkpoint 1.2.2 (Nov 10, 2010)
• Fixed an issue in which the preflight check "PDF version above" was ignored.

PDF Checkpoint 1.2.1
• Import/Export preflight profiles feature now works as expected.
• Numerous fixes and improvements related to preflight presets management.
• Fixed an issue in which the document error count could be incorrect.

PDF Checkpoint 1.2
-NEW: Export PDF to TIFF and PNG now has the option to preserve transparency in RGB mode.

PDF Checkpoint 1.1.5
-Fixed some registration related errors.

PDF Checkpoint 1.1.4
-FIXED: Fixed an issue in which some files could not be processed on Mac OS 10.4 Tiger.

PDF Checkpoint 1.1.3
-FIXED: The Route Files action didn't work if the Save Successful Reports option was unchecked. This issue is fixed.
-Full compatibility with Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard (the Optimize Images functionality has been restored).

PDF Checkpoint 1.1.1
-FIXED: When scrolling through the file list using the keyboard arrow keys, PDF Checkpoint now displays the selected file info as expected.

PDF Checkpoint 1.1
-NEW ACTION: Downsample and/or compress images in PDF documents. Specify image resolution and compression level. Process all files or only the ones that passed preflight successfully.

PDF Checkpoint 1.0.1
-Fixed an issue in which some encrypted documents could crash PDF Checkpoint.

PDF Checkpoint 1.0
-Initial release.