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Zevrix Solutions > Version Control > Deliver Express

Deliver Express Version Control


Deliver Express 2.7.11 (Oct 13, 2023)
fixed: Fixed an issue where the app could stall on during email message preparation due to an empty entry in the list of emails.




Deliver Express 2.7.10 (Oct 13, 2023)
updated: Support for macOS 14 Sonoma]
improved: Minor UI fixes.
improved: Better handling of a rare error that could cause a stall while preparing to send an email message.


Deliver Express 2.7.9 (Apr 17, 2023)
updated: Added a note regarding Finder tag support on macOS 12 Monterey and later (only seven default tags supported).
improved: UI fixes.
improved: System Events isn't employed anymore.
fixed: Fixed an issue where Deliver Express processed certain invisible files in hot folders (in particular, this resulted in removal of custom icons assigned to hot folders).
improved: Improved appearance of hot folder path control field.
improved: No action if clicking path control with no path assigned (previous versions would activate Finder).


Deliver Express 2.7.8 (Feb 19, 2023)
updated: Computer name is now automatically assigned to new activations, which makes it easier to identify installations in the License Portal.


Deliver Express 2.7.7 (Feb 5, 2023)
updated: Support for TLS 1.2 security protocol for email delivery.


Deliver Express 2.7.6 (Dec 29, 2022)
fixed: Fixed an issue in v2.7.5, in which Deliver couldn't connect to certain servers due to password decoding issues on Ventura.
fixed: Fixed an issue in which, if stored password cannot be decoded, the password field was filled with the previously selected destination's password.


Deliver Express 2.7.5 (Dec 29, 2022)
fixed: Fixed an issue in which passwords saved on pre-Ventura systems could not be decoded on macOS Ventura.
improved: More detailed info regarding two-factor authentication for gmail accounts.
updated: Removed obsolete info on Hotmail accounts.


Deliver Express 2.7.4 (Aug 12, 2022)
new: Added a hidden preference to surround the name of Code-Based Delivery hot folder with underscores instead of angle brackets: _Code-Based Delivery_. This solves a rare issue in which the hot folder becomes invisible on certain network volumes if its name starts with "<". To enable the preference, send this command in Terminal, then re-create the hot folder from the Preferences window: defaults write com.zevrix.DeliverExpress useUnderscoresInCodeBasedDeliveryFolderName -boolean yes (send no and re-create the folder to restore the default angle brackets).


Deliver Express 2.7.3 (Jul 6, 2022)
improved: Updated info regarding the gmail and iCloud SMTP servers (gmail accounts now require two-factor authentication).


Deliver Express 2.7.2 (Apr 28, 2022)
improved: Improved alert dialogs (instead of the ugly ones introduced by Apple on macOS Big Sur.)
fixed: Fixed an issue in which Transmit favorites could not be imported on macOS Mojave and later.


Deliver Express 2.7.1 (Feb 3, 2022)
improved: Alert improvements on Big Sur and later.
fixed: Fixed an issue in which the destinations list was unsorted on launch under certain conditions.


Deliver Express 2.7 (Oct 25, 2021)
updated: Updated SFTP framework.
fixed: Fixed an issue in which some SFTP servers weren't reachable.
updated: Pre-10.13 (High Sierra) systems are not supported anymore. Download link for earlier versions included on disk image.
fixed: Fixed a text highlight color issue in Destinations list.
improved: Interactive path of the hot folder doesn't appear disabled anymore.
improved: Fixed an issue in which the app could log a plain text password.


Deliver Express 2.6.20 (Aug 19, 2021)
improved: The sort order of the destinations table is now preserved between launches.
improved: Improved appearance of text fields on macOS Big Sur and later.
fixed: Minor UI fixes
improved: Unexpected transfer errors are now caught and displayed to the users in alerts instead of crashing the app.


Deliver Express 2.6.19 (Dec 11, 2020)
updated: Support for macOS Big Sur.
improved: Multiple UI adjustments and improvements for Big Sur
fixed: The app now checks for a bizarre rare issue where the serial number appears to be multiplied into several paragraphs during activation.
updated: macOS 10.8 isn't supported anymore.


Deliver Express 2.6.18 (Nov 9, 2020)
updated: The Basic license now allows up to 50 destinations.
improved: The app now automatically fixes file permissions in a rare situation where the serial number couldn't be written to disk.


Deliver Express 2.6.17 (Nov 3, 2020)
fixed: UI fixes in destination group appearance.
fixed: Fixed an issue in which a file could be deleted from the Done folder after processing under some rare conditions.
NEW: Hidden preference to disable the "file attached to this message" note in the notification email. Preference key: disableFileAttachedNote. Send this command in Terminal to enable: defaults write com.zevrix.DeliverExpress disableFileAttachedNote -boolean yes


Deliver Express 2.6.16 (Oct 30, 2020)
fixed: Fixed an issue in which destinations in the Destinations window weren't sorted according to the sort indicator on launch.
fixed: UI fixes.


Deliver Express 2.6.15 (Oct 14, 2020)
fixed: Fixed an issue in which error messages didn't appear in the Errors window.


Deliver Express 2.6.14 (Oct 9, 2020)
fixed: Text color in the Recent Deliveries table now changes to white when selected.


Deliver Express 2.6.13 (Jun 17, 2020)
fixed: Fixed an issue in which a file was deleted from destination according to the first found expiry date without checking if a later expiry record existed for the same file.
updated: The full screen option is removed from the Destinations window.


Deliver Express 2.6.12 (Apr 29, 2020)
fixed: Fixed in issue in which Deliver didn't recognized bookmarks in recent versions of Cyberduck.
updated: Updated PDF generation engine.


Deliver Express 2.6.11 (Nov 18, 2019)
updated: Support for macOS 10.15 Catalina.


Deliver Express 2.6.10 (Sep 5, 2019)
updated: Users whose copy was licensed with the legacy eSellerate licensing platform can now run the notarized version of the app. Users will be asked to contact Zevrix for updated licensing info.


Deliver Express 2.6.9 (Sep 5, 2019)
updated: Deliver Express is now notarized by Apple.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Some users whose copy of Deliver Express was originally licensed using legacy eSellerate licensing platform may experience an activation error on launch, which will prevent them from using the software. There will be detailed instructions in the error message on how to re-activate Deliver Express by sending us a request for updated licensing info.


Deliver Express 2.6.8 (Aug 26, 2019)
fixed: SFTP support is now restored.
fixed: Email message from Manage Activations dialog is now created as expected.
improved: System version, app version and serial number are now automatically included in the support email generated from within the app.


Deliver Express 2.6.7 (Dec 23, 2018)
fixed: Fixed a registration issue that could cause a crash on launch under some rare conditions.


Deliver Express 2.6.6 (Oct 20, 2018)
updated: Support for macOS 10.14 Mojave.


Deliver Express 2.6.5 (Mar 5, 2018)
fixed: Fixed an issue in which Deliver couldn't connect to certain FTP sites under some rare conditions.
improved: Improved tool tips for certain controls.


Deliver Express 2.6.4 (Oct 11, 2017)
updated: Support for macOS 10.13 High Sierra.
updated: Upgrade to 64-bit architecture.
updated: Updated licensing libraries.


Deliver Express 2.6.3 (Sep 15, 2017)
NEW: Copy download link of any delivery via the contextual menu in the Recent Deliveries and History tables.
improved: Improved logging of final stage errors.
fixed: UI fixes in the progress bar area.
fixed: Eliminated excessive logging during FTP uploads.


Deliver Express 2.6.2 (Apr 11, 2017)
fixed: The option to keep Unlimited number of recent items was removed from preferences
fixed: Fixed an issue in which the over-limit recent items were only purged when users opened and closed the Preferences window. The over-limit recent items are now removed once a new delivery is added to the list.


Deliver Express 2.6.1 (Apr 11, 2017)
fixed: Fixed an issue in which Deliver Express couldn't connect to certain FTPS servers.
improved: FTP connection steps are now included in logs.


Deliver Express 2.6 (Feb 19, 2017)
NEW: Support for FTPS (FTP-SSL).
fixed: Fixed an appearance issue of toolbar buttons on Yosemite and later.
improved: Host address is now preserved when switching between destination types.


Deliver Express 2.5.16 (Feb 8, 2017)
fixed: Fixed an issue in which Deliver Express could hang if individual transfer was cancelled with the Stop button.
fixed: Minor UI fixes.


Deliver Express 2.5.15 (Dec 7, 2016)
fixed: Fixed an issue in which the system's Open dialog didn't show up on macOS Sierra.


Deliver Express 2.5.14 (Jul 15, 2016)
fixed: Fixed an issue in which a stray progress window could appear on launch on some systems.


Deliver Express 2.5.13 (Jul 1, 2016)
fixed: Support for Microsoft Exchange email servers.


Deliver Express 2.5.12 (Apr 27, 2016)
fixed: Fixed an error which could occur when logging an expired file deletion error on launch.
fixed: The Apply Tag feature is now disabled on pre-10.9 versions of OS X to prevent crashes.
updated: Removed occurrences of passwords in system logs.


Deliver Express 2.5.11 (Mar 16, 2016)
NEW: Apply tag to the transferred item when copying to a local disk is completed.
fixed: Custom icons are now preserved during local transfers.


Deliver Express 2.5.10 (Mar 4, 2016)
fixed: Improved progress info during local folder transfers.
improved: Improved error reporting in cases when folder transfer is interrupted.
fixed: Fixed an issue in which a symbolic link whose destination was lost could cause an error when transferring non-compressed folders.


Deliver Express 2.5.9 (Feb 25, 2016)
fixed: The creation and modification dates of folders are now preserved during local transfers.


Deliver Express 2.5.8 (Feb 24, 2016)
fixed: Fixed an issue in which the creation and modification dates of files transferred inside a folder weren't preserved during local transfers.


Deliver Express 2.5.7 (Feb 23, 2016)
fixed: Fixed an issue in which the file creation and modification dates weren't preserved during local transfers.


Deliver Express 2.5.6 (Feb 7, 2016)
improved: Improved speed of local transfers.
improved: Improved transfer speed reporting accuracy.
improved: Transfer sizes of over 1 GB are now displayed in GB rather than MB.


Deliver Express 2.5.5 (Jan 18, 2016)
fixed: Fixed an issue in which file names with a question mark could cause an error when copying to a local destination.
fixed: Fixed an issue in which the app couldn't connect to certain FTP sites that require active mode.


Deliver Express 2.5.3 (Oct 5, 2015)
fixed: Fixed an issue in which Deliver Express could crash on El Capitan.


Deliver Express 2.5.2 (Aug 14, 2015)
improved: Updated folder icons in UI elements.
fixed: Some performance improvements.


Deliver Express 2.5.1 (Aug 3, 2015)
NEW: Bandwidth throttling: users can specify maximum upload speed in the preferences.
NEW: Email template tokens are now highlighted in blue.


Deliver Express 2.5 (Jul 21, 2015)
NEW: File expiry: Deliver Express can now automatically delete files from their final destination after specific number of days. The option is specified per destination.
fixed: Enlarged recipient email list in destination settings. It now accommodates 10 emails.
fixed: Address Book icon is replaced with Contacts.
fixed: Some UI improvements.


Deliver Express 2.4.10 (Jul 14, 2015)
fixed: Fixed an issue in which an error could occur when transferring non-compressed folders to local destinations.
fixed: Fixed an issue in which an empty file was created when transferring compressed items to local destinations.
fixed: Fixed an issue in which, when zipping a single file, the destination archive contained the file in a folder named after its parent directory.
fixed: Fixed an issue where a corrupted dmg file could be created when transferring compressed items to local destinations.
fixed: Fixed an issue in which an incorrectly formatted file path could appear in the Location field during delivery to a local destination.
fixed: Fixed an issue in which an error could occur when sending a file to local folder after delivery to a remote server.
improved: Text in the Path field is now truncated in the middle if it exceeds the field length.
new: Folders can now be dropped on the Path field of a local disk destination directly from Finder.


Deliver Express 2.4.9 (May 13, 2015)
fixed: Fixed an issue in which editing email addresses in a destination created by duplicating an existing destination could result in changing emails in the original destination as well.
fixed: Fixed an issue in which an error could happen if destination name contained certain special characters such as umlauts.
new: Destinations can now be deleted bypassing a warning dialog when holding the Option key when deleting a destination.
new: The Destinations window height can now be increased to show more destinations at the same time.
improved: Improved progress indicator appearance, some other UI improvements.


Deliver Express 2.4.8 (May 2, 2015)
NEW: The option to specify hot folder watch interval in Preferences. Increasing the default interval can help if Deliver Express starts processing large files before they're completely copied into a hot folder.


Deliver Express 2.4.7 (Apr 9, 2015)
improved: The Email Templates window now behaves as expected from a modal window: it's dismissed by OK button and not by closing the window. .
fixed: Fixed some resizing issues of the Email Templates window.
fixed: Some minor UI and tool tips fixes.


Deliver Express 2.4.6 (Feb 25, 2015)
fixed: Fixed an issue in which date subfolders weren't created on SFTP servers.
fixed: Minor interface fixes on Yosemite.


Deliver Express 2.4.5 (Nov 25, 2014)
updated: Support for Mac OS X 10.10 Yosemite.


Deliver Express 2.4.4 (Jun 12, 2014)
fixed: Fixed an issue in which Deliver Express couldn't send email via SMTP servers that use certain authentication mechanisms.
fixed: If SMTP server's authentication mechanism isn't supported by Deliver Express, file delivery will now be stopped with an error instead of being stuck during the email transmission stage.


Deliver Express 2.4.3 (May 24, 2014)
fixed: Fixed an issue in which Deliver Express couldn't create directories on some FTP servers, which resulted in transfer errors.
fixed: Fixed an issue in which an Deliver Express couldn't delete directories on some FTP servers.


Deliver Express 2.4.1 (Mar 2, 2014)
improved: URL schemes (ftp://, http:// etc.) are now automatically removed from the Host field.


Deliver Express 2.4 (Feb 11, 2014)
NEW: Upload non-compressed folders to FTP and SFTP servers.
improved: Fixed redraw issues of indeterminate progress indicator.


Deliver Express 2.3.18 (Nov 25, 2013)
updated: Support for Mac OS X 10.9 Mavericks


Deliver Express 2.3.17 (Aug 12, 2013)
fixed: Fixed an issue in which an error could occur when listing online contents prior to sending any files since the app has been launched.
fixed: Fixed an issue in which email notifications could be sent to wrong recipients if the user checked a destination online contents during file transfer to a different destination (v2.3.16).


Deliver Express 2.3.16 (Aug 11, 2013)
fixed: Fixed an issue in which email notifications could be sent to wrong recipients if the user checked a destination online contents during file transfer to a different destination.
Some interface improvements.
This update is strongly recommended to all users


Deliver Express 2.3.15 (Aug 10, 2013)
new: FTP response timeout is increased to 180 seconds. It can help prevent response timeout errors when longer time is required due to busy connection and other reasons.


Deliver Express 2.3.14 (Aug 9, 2013)
fixed: Fixed an issue in which incorrect history data could be assigned to the files that were diverted to Errors prior to be included in the processing queue (e.g. files with invalid destination code).


Deliver Express 2.3.13 (Jul 22, 2013)
fixed: Fixed an issue in which an error could occur when composing URL from file names with certain special characters.
improved: Improved reliability of destination info access.


Deliver Express 2.3.12 (May 25, 2013)
fixed: Fixed an issue in which Deliver Express couldn't connect to some FTP sites on certain international systems.
improved: The sort order in FTP file list is now preserved between launches.
improved: User interface of the Errors window.


Deliver Express 2.3.11 (May 24, 2013)
fixed: Fixed an issue in which the SFTP protocol in URLs in email notifications was incorrectly represented as ssh.
fixed: Fixed an issue in which destination code couldn't be deleted directly by editing the Code column in destinations table.


Deliver Express 2.3.10 (May 21, 2013)
fixed: Fixed a typo in the default email template text.
improved: Interface improvements in SMTP settings.
improved: Updated informational message regarding the activation/deactivation procedure.


Deliver Express 2.3.9 (May 16, 2013)
fixed: Fixed an issue in which the Destinations window didn't show up in v.2.3.8.


Deliver Express 2.3.8 (May 9, 2013)
fixed: The destinations list can now be sorted by the Code column.
improved: Some interface improvements.


Deliver Express 2.3.7 (Mar 17, 2013)
improved: Improved user notification when the latest version of Deliver Express is launched on a pre-Lion system.


Deliver Express 2.3.6 (Mar 1, 2013)
fixed: Fixed an error which could occur when sorting items in the history window with no item selected.


Deliver Express 2.3.5 (Feb 28, 2013)
fixed: Fixed an issue in which a few extra hours could be added to time period reported during file transfer progress and the total transfer time
fixed: Fixed an issue in which selection wasn't retained when sorting the history table.
fixed: Fixed an issue in which history wasn't sorted properly when opened for the first time.
fixed: Fixed an issue in which string placeholders weren't cleared from history delivery details on initial display of the history window.


Deliver Express 2.3.4 (January 23, 2013)
new: TLS connection security in SMTP settings (allows to use iCloud email where SSL connection fails).
updated: Updated iCloud account setup info.
updated: Removed support for MobileMe.

Deliver Express 2.3.3 (December 7, 2012)
fixed: Fixed an issue in which files couldn't be transferred to certain SFTP sites.
Note: All updates to Deliver Express now require Mac OS X 10.7 or later.

Deliver Express 2.3.2 (Sep 12, 2012)
fixed: Fixed an issue in which a registered copy of Deliver Express could display an error that the number of destinations exceeds the allowed number under certain conditions. This update is strongly recommended to all users of Mac OS X 10.7 and later.
Note: This version is NOT compatible with Mac OS X 10.5 - 10.6 because of new versions of certain file transfer and encryption libraries Deliver Express relies on. Unfortunately, it means that the new updates of Deliver Express are only available for Mac OS X 10.7 or later.

Deliver Express 2.3.1 (Jul 26, 2012)
updated: Support for Mac OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion.

Deliver Express 2.3 (Jun 22, 2012)
NEW: Support for Google Storage.

Deliver Express 2.2.6 (Jun 19, 2012)
fixed: Fixed an issue in which the history database could be cleared on adding new files to history.
This update is strongly recommended to all users.

Deliver Express 2.2.5 (Jun 18, 2012)
fixed: Fixed an issue in which destination groups could not be deleted.

Deliver Express 2.2.4 (Jun 17, 2012)
fixed: Fixed an issue in which the option to put files into date subfolders didn't work when uploading compressed files.
improved: The last selected destination is now remembered when relaunching the program.
fixed: Fixed an issue in which some special characters in file name weren't replaced by escape characters in download links in notification emails (v.2.2.3).
improved: Deliver Express doesn't zip .zip files anymore (v.2.2.3).

Deliver Express 2.2.2 (Apr 18, 2012)
fixed: Disk images are now encrypted as expected when required by destination settings.
fixed: Destination code is not duplicated anymore when destination is duplicated.
fixed: Some interface improvements.

Deliver Express 2.2.1 (Apr 4, 2012)
improved: Toolbar icons have been adjusted to the new size of buttons on Mac OS X 10.7 Lion.
improved: Some minor fixes.

Deliver Express 2.2 (Mar 28, 2012)
NEW: Code-based delivery: assign codes to destinations and send files to any destination using a single hot folder.
improved: Faster launch (history isn't loaded on launch anymore but only when user opens it for the first time).

Deliver Express 2.1.20 (Jan 16, 2012)
fixed: Fixed an issue in which using the date folder option with local destinations could result in hanging while transferring files.
This update is strongly recommended to all users.


Deliver Express 2.1.19 (Dec 8, 2011)
fixed: A proper error is now reported when email can't be sent because of an SMTP error.

Deliver Express 2.1.18 (Nov 19, 2011)
fixed: Fixed an issue in which Deliver could crash when creating a new email template.

Deliver Express 2.1.17 (Nov 17, 2011)
fixed: Fixed an issue in which Deliver could get stuck while sending email if undefined email entries were left in email tables.

Deliver Express 2.1.16 (Oct 26, 2011)
fixed: Fixed a crash which could occur when trying to connect to an SFTP server with blank password. Deliver now shows a proper error message instead.

Deliver Express 2.1.15 (Oct 20, 2011)
fixed: Fixed an issue in which dragging mouse accidentally across several rows in destinations list could cause email contacts in some intermediate destinations to be replaced with the ones user drags over.
This update is strongly recommended to all users.

Deliver Express 2.1.14 (Oct 1, 2011)
fixed: Fixed an issue in which some email templates could not be renamed.
fixed: Fixed an issue which could cause an activation error under certain condition.
fixed: Fixed an issue in which could crash on deactivation attempt.

Deliver Express 2.1.13 (Sep 29, 2011)
fixed: Fixed an issue in which deleting a new email address entry immediately after creating it could cause an error.
fixed: Restored the ability to run on PPC computers.

Deliver Express 2.1.12 (Sep 20, 2011)
fixed: Restored the ability to use the tab key to switch between text fields.

Deliver Express 2.1.11 (Sep 15, 2011)
fixed: Fixed an issue in which editing destination name field could cause improper redrawing of the destinations list.
improved: Fixed an issue in which pressing a tab while editing a field could result in error.

Deliver Express 2.1.10 (Sep 13, 2011)
fixed: Deliver Express now prevents users from using periods in Amazon S3 bucket names instead of showing an unknown error.
improved: Some interface improvements.

Deliver Express 2.1.9 (Aug 30, 2011)
fixed: Fixed an issue in which selecting a row in the email templates list could result in error.
fixed: Fixed a user interface glitch which occurred when resizing the Destinations window.

Deliver Express 2.1.8 (Aug 22, 2011)
fixed: Fixed an issue in which contents of some Amazon S3 accounts could be listed incorrectly.
improved: Some email handling routines have been optimized for better performance on Mac OS X Lion.

Deliver Express 2.1.7 (Aug 5, 2011)
updated: Some interface elements have been updated to reflect changes in Mac OS X Lion and make the user interface consistent across system versions.
improved: Improved memory management.
improved: Improved check for updates.

Deliver Express 2.1.6 (Jul 5, 2011)
new: New tokens for month, day, year and time in email templates.
fixed: Fixed an issue in which certain proxy settings could prevent Deliver from connecting to remote servers
fixed: Fixed an issue of duplicated email addresses in delivery history details.

Deliver Express 2.1.5 (Jul 1, 2011)
fixed: Fixed an issue in which some proxy settings could prevent Deliver Express from uploading files to FTP.
fixed: Fixed an issue which could make Deliver Express crash on launch if certain fields in destination settings were missing.
fixed: Some interface improvements.

Deliver Express 2.1.4 (Jun 8, 2011)
new: The option to see destination passwords in clear text (requires admin authentication).
Users can click the new lock icon near the password field to reveal the current destination's password, or Option-click the lock to keep passwords revealed as they switch between destinations.
fixed: Fixed an issue in which the PASSWORD token wasn't replaced by the actual password in notification email.
fixed: Fixed a cosmetic issue in which extra folder separators could appear in some download URLs.
fixed: Fixed an issue in which some special characters weren't transferred properly by email.
improved: More informative error messages when Amazon S3 destination doesn't contain a bucket name, or when bucket name contains illegal characters.
fixed: Fixed a memory leak which could cause Deliver Express to use excessive system resources after sending numerous files without relaunch.
This update is essential to all Deliver Express users.

Deliver Express 2.1.3 (Apr 30, 2011)
fixed: Deliver now creates correct download URL to files located in the Sites and Web/Sites folders on MobileMe.
fixed: Other minor fixes.

Deliver Express 2.1.2 (Mar 26, 2011)
fixed: Fixed an error which could prevent email from being sent on some systems.
fixed: Fixed an issue related to Amazon S3 directory listing.

Deliver Express 2.1.1 (Mar 15, 2011)
fixed: Fixed an issue in which some special characters in email template body could cause an error during processing.
fixed: Some other minor fixes.

Deliver Express 2.1 (Feb 15, 2011)
improved: Fixed an issue in which connection to certain FTP sites could not be established or required a long time to be established.
fixed: Resolves an issue that prevented a remote site listing operation from being canceled.

Deliver Express 2.0.4 (Feb 5, 2011)
fixed: Fixed an issue in which the icons in the Destination Type menu could appear enlarged.
improved: Improved error reporting of some activation issues.
improved: Some interface improvements.

Deliver Express 2.0.3 (Jan 23, 2011)
improved: Duplicated destination now inherits original destination's name with a number added.
fixed: Fixed an error in which Deliver couldn't list contents of FTP directories with file names containing certain special characters.
fixed: Fixed an error in which Deliver couldn't list directory contents on certain types of FTP servers.

Deliver Express 2.0.2 (Jan 17, 2011)
fixed: Fixed an issue where lo-res PDF file was not created causing an empty "unknown" file to appear as email attachment.

Deliver Express 2.0.1 (Jan 10, 2011)
fixed: Fixed an issue in which Deliver Express couldn't connect to FTP sites with certain configurations.

Deliver Express 2.0 (Jan 6, 2011)
•Initial release.



System Requirements

• Adobe InDesign CS/CS2/CS3/CS4
• Mac OS X 10.4.2 (or later)


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